Can foxes swim? The Truth About Foxes and Swimming

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Can foxes swim? From the classic fables of Aesop to the many animated film adaptations, foxes have long been characterized as sly and clever. But can they swim? People have debated this question for centuries, and today we’ll finally get to the bottom! The good news is – you may be surprised to learn – that, yes, foxes can indeed swim!

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into how well foxes can swim, what it means for them in terms of survival, and other interesting facts about swimming foxes. Keep reading to find out more!

Here’s the answer: Can foxes swim?

Foxes have some similarities to cats, such as their ability to swim well. Despite this, they typically don’t like water and try to stay dry. In case of rain, foxes tend to seek shelter wherever they can. If they get wet, their fur will lose its ability to keep them warm, it will remove the oil from their fur, and they will become heavier, resulting in reduced agility.

But foxes are skilled swimmers and do not fear swimming. They frequently swim in both freshwater and seawater.

If there is some waterway nearby, foxes can take advantage of it.

Can foxes swim?

In terms of survival, swimming is an essential skill for foxes. As they are small animals, swimming allows them to escape potential predators and can also help them access food that would otherwise be out of reach. In addition, foxes have been known to use water to their advantage when hunting. For example, they may lay in wait and then surprise prey by leaping into the water and chasing them down.

Can all foxes swim?

All fox species can swim; this includes the gray fox and the red fox. The least likely candidate to swim would be the Arctic Fox – but they still can be good swimmers. 

Fennec foxes that live in the Sahara desert have never been seen to take a dip. This is likely due to their natural environment, as they don’t need to swim or wade through any water sources since they live in such an arid climate.

Can Red foxes swim?

Although red foxes are not strong swimmers and typically avoid water, they can swim if needed. Red foxes have webbed feet and broad tails, which help them stay afloat. Additionally, they can hold their breath for up to 15 seconds at a time, enough time to reach land or another safe spot.

As opportunistic hunters, the red fox will swim across riverbanks to track prey that it spots. It does not matter the size of the animal. Red foxes are willing to swim a long distance to cross a bank to track their prey. Believe it or not, the red fox’s slow swimming speed is a significant benefit. Even though it means it will take them a long time to get there, their journey does not draw attention. Luckily, the fox is small, and their steady speed across the water does not get them noticed as they move toward their opportunistic prey. 

Can fennec foxes swim?

Fennec foxes are typically found in arid regions such as the Sahara desert, so swimming would not be an essential skill for them to possess. Although they haven’t been observed taking a dip, fennec foxes may have some innate ability to swim if necessary.

Can foxes swim?

Can foxes swim underwater?

It has never been captured on camera that a fox can swim underwater. Generally, foxes tend to swim by keeping their heads above the water as dogs do. This will make it easier for them to breathe. Since they are not designed for swimming, they avoid swimming underwater.

Can Arctic foxes swim underwater?

Arctic foxes live in cold areas; their bodies are built for cold weather, not deep water.

They are typically found on the tundra or other places with ice and snow cover. Some arctic foxes might swim if they had to, but they usually stick to the land. If an Arctic fox lived near the water’s edge, it probably wouldn’t be able to swim very well. They even keep their ears above water when swimming, which is proof. Fur protection also keeps foxes away from frozen waters. The ice can cause severe damage to their fur.

Can foxes swim?

How fast can Arctic foxes swim?

The Arctic foxes are not fast swimmers. They paddle like dogs and swim steadily but slowly. It takes them time to reach the destination as they swim 2-3 miles per hour. What’s causing them a lack of swimming ability? They are not interested in water and prefer swimming, so the fur is not damaged.

When will foxes swim?

Foxes usually swim in the summer when water sources are more easily accessible. They also prefer shallow or slow-moving waters, better suited for their swimming abilities. Additionally, foxes are most likely to take a dip if they feel threatened by a predator or need to get away from an area quickly. In cold weather, you’re less likely to find a fox swimming unless its life depended on it for survival purposes.

Do foxes like to swim?

The most common explanation is that these animals walk into the water and start swimming across it until they reach land on the other side. There is no evidence that foxes like to swim. They do not enter the water alone, and there are no reports of them spending time near the shoreline, even when they live on an island. When crossing a body of water, foxes seem as uncomfortable as many other animals.

Red foxes and gray foxes are likely to swim. These foxes typically live in warm environments for swimming without endangering themselves. Fox species, such as the arctic fox, can swim but are less likely to do so because of their cold environment.

How do foxes swim?

Foxes can quickly propel themselves through the water using their front and hind legs. They use a doggy-paddle movement, alternating between paddling with their front and hind legs while keeping their back level. This helps them move quickly and efficiently through the water.


So, can foxes swim? Yes! Although not all species of foxes can take a dip, some have been known to swim several miles at a time and even dive underwater to find food. Swimming allows foxes to evade predators and access otherwise out-of-reach food sources. Now that you know they can take a dip, we hope you’re inspired to learn more about them and appreciate their vital role in our ecosystems. Thanks for reading!

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